Practice Location: Fields behind Hurley Middle School which is on 650 Newman Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771
Practice Times: Before school starts we will practice 6PM to 8:30PM for the first 4 days, then we will go from 6PM to 8PM. Once school starts practice will go from 5:30PM to 7:30PM
Practice Days: Before school starts we will practice Monday through Thursday. Once school starts we will practice Tuesday through Thursday.
Home games will be played on Sundays at the Seekonk Highschool Football field, which is located at 261 Arcade Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771.
Away games will be played on Sundays, however there are some games that may be played on Saturdays. The games will depend on the opponent.
Start times of the games will depend on the team your child is on. Typically the youngest level will play first.